Dear friends,
So much has been happening around the Mission, I hardly know where to begin! First of all, I want to start with a great big THANK YOU. Since Bob Emberger shared the news of our leadership transition, we have not ceased to be encouraged! As you may have heard, March 1st of this year Bob stepped down from being Executive Director because of his health and moved into the vital new role of Director of Advancement. I, in turn, have become the new Executive Director. So many friends have reached out to support and encourage us. We are grateful!
Your prayers are so very necessary and deeply appreciated. Please keep praying for Bob’s continued recovery, strength, and stamina. Pray for me – for wisdom and a heart that is open to the Lord’s leading. Pray for our residents and staff and their families – that the Lord would give grace upon grace as we seek to follow Him one step at a time.
As winter comes to a close and spring begins, we look ahead with joy and anticipation. We have several long-in-the-works facilities projects finally coming to completion. These will beautify our property, ensure its usefulness for years to come, and facilitate ministry here and now. Our oldest building is 111 years old and with a little love is ready to keep on serving us for many more. We’re also excited to be able once again to have outside church groups come in to do chapels. We have our first groups returning this spring!
Meanwhile, the Mission is a hive of positive, forward-moving activity every day. James is in school studying to be a chef. Will started a job at Tastykake (and brings us Butterscotch Krimpets!). Lamont put together a workable budget, saved up enough money from his job at a local pizza place, graduated from the New Life Program and moved out into his own place. We also just hired two New Life Program residents to work full time at the Mission – Roger as a Thrift Shop Associate and Michael as our Hospitality Supervisor. There are dozens more like these men, working hard to overcome the obstacles in their path, build a solid foundation for life, achieve their goals, and move into their own permanent housing.
Your support is used by God to make all of this possible. On behalf of the whole Mission family, thank you. God’s richest blessings to you and yours.
Grace and peace,

Heather L. Rice, D.Min.
Executive Director