Dear friends,
With summer upon us, we’re grateful for good air conditioning in our main building. We had our system switched over from heat to air just one day before that 90+ degree weekend hit us in May. The relief is worth the increased electric bill – especially for several of our residents with serious health issues that affect their breathing (like asthma, COPD, and congestive heart failure). Thank you for your part in helping to keep the air conditioning on and our residents breathing easier!
Life around the Mission continues full speed ahead with all its joys and struggles. Pray for our residents – that the Lord would grant freedom for those struggling with addictions, encouragement for the weary, the opening of doors for those that are stuck, good jobs for those looking for work, and safe, affordable housing for those who are ready to graduate and move on. We have seen again and again how the Lord opens doors and provides in ways that we could never expect or imagine. It’s always a delight to witness.

One such joy is Joey. It’s been a pleasure to watch his growth and success. He persevered through several difficult situations. He stuck it out at a tough job until he found a better one. He kept to his budget and saved up and eventually found a place. I recently had the joy of signing a check payable to his new landlord for 50% of his security deposit, first and last month’s rent – all of which was due at lease signing. Joey graduated from the New Life Program and moved into his new place on May 19th! Joey, his family, and the whole Mission community could not be happier for him. Pray for Joey as he settles into this new season of life.
Thank you for all the ways you help and support men like Joey. Your prayers, financial support, and donations of items from our needs list are a blessing (you’ll find an updated needs list here). The Lord bless and keep you in His grace!
Grace and peace,

Heather L. Rice, D.Min.
Executive Director