Dear Friends,
Happy summer to you! We’ve had a busy month! All 53 of our beds continue to be full, and we have several men on a waiting list looking to enter our New Life Program. Of our 53 residents, nineteen are currently employed and saving up as they prepare to move out into their own place in a few short months. Ten men are actively job searching, and two are enrolled in school (one in a peer specialist training program, and the other in a culinary training program at Philabundance Community Kitchen). The rest are working hard in the first phase of the program to prepare for their eventual job search.
We were especially delighted to have had so many men graduate from the New Life Program and move into their own independent housing in recent days – Colb, Sophan, Kisho, Chris, and Chad, with several more men on the cusp of securing apartments as I write this. Please pray for our graduates as they adjust to life in this new season – especially that they would be faithful to continue with the good and healthy habits they put into practice while living at the Mission.
We also have quite a lot happening with our buildings. The window project in the thrift store is almost complete. As I write this we’re just waiting on the last bay of storefront windows and five new doors along Chelten Avenue. It’s been quite the project! We’re especially excited to have our windows on the first and second floors restored to full height. We have so much more light inside now! The next step will be to have the building painted. We’re in the process of getting bids now.
Meanwhile, we have several plumbing, HVAC, and general repairs that we’re looking at this summer (our buildings are well-used!), adding to our regular operating expenses and the additional summertime cost of keeping our large, old buildings cool and safe in dangerously hot weather. Please pray with us for the Lord’s continued provision of all our needs. Thank you for all that you do to partner with us – you are a big part of God’s provision to us. We are grateful!
Blessings from our family to yours for a safe and enjoyable summer!
Grace and peace,

Heather L. Rice, D.Min.
Executive Director