Dear Friend of the Mission,
Thanksgiving at the Whosoever Gospel Mission is one of the highlights of my year. We do Thanksgiving up big at the Mission! On Thanksgiving Day, our dining room and chapel will be festively decorated. We start off with a joy-filled Thanksgiving Day chapel service in which we give thanks to God for all that He has done for us this past year. The heartfelt testimonies of our men, staff and volunteers are a celebration of God’s goodness and grace. With 130-140 or more people in attendance, we then sit down and enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving Day Feast fit for a King (the Lord Jesus Christ Himself!). Our Thanksgiving Day Feast includes roasted turkey, giblet gravy, three-cheese macaroni (which I make every year), creamy mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, savory stuffing with cranberries (which I also make from scratch every year), green beans almandine, buttered corn, rolls & butter, cranberry sauce, apple cider, and an amazing assortment of desserts – pies, cookies, brownies, cheesecake, and candy. And our Feast is an all-you-can-eat meal! We make sure that there is always enough food for seconds and even thirds.
And best of all, this delicious meal is provided for our men as part of our comprehensive and compassionate New Life Rehabilitation and Job Readiness Program. Our men are working hard at the Mission every day to rebuild their lives and be restored to society as productive, contributing members of our community. But Thanksgiving Day is not a day of work, it is a day of celebration and thanksgiving as our men reflect on all that God has done in and through and for them. Thanksgiving Day for our men is a joyful Sabbath rest of celebration.
Your support of the Mission helps to make possible the celebrations our men enjoy on Thanksgiving Day. While we work on the front lines helping our men battle their way back from homelessness, addiction and poverty, your faithful and generous support gives us what we need to give our men a hand-up, and not just a hand-out. Your gifts are a priceless investment in the lives of our men that will pay dividends for years to come. As we celebrate Thanksgiving 2019, please accept my heartfelt thanks for your support. Please pray and give generously. Every gift counts and will be used to bless, equip and help our men move forward in life.
Thanking God for you!
Robert A. Emberger, D.Min.
Executive Director